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Space Girl
Mora V. Harris

Produced by the School of
Theatre and Dance at Illinois
State University

16-year-old Arugula Suarez wants to be just like everybody else. But she is an alien from the planet Zlagdor, so it is not always easy for her to blend in. Arugula and her father Nancy have been sent to Earth to see if the planet is worth saving.

Alexander Utz

Produced by the School of
Theatre and Dance at Illinois
State University

An adaptation of Mary Shelley's classic, in which the story of Frankenstein is interwoven with elements of Shelley's own life and the origin of the Frankenstein legend. Perhaps the monsters we conjure are not always as inhuman as they seem.


The PillowMan
Martin McDonagh

Produced by the School of
Theatre and Dance at Illinois
State University

A writer is interrogated about his nightmarish short stories and their similarities to a number of murders occurring in his town. When the writer's mentally impaired brother is also brought in for questioning, this police procedural takes twists and turns that will leave you spellbound.


A Game by Dennis Noble 

Produced by the School of Theatre and Dance at Illinois State University

Three men (or women) accept an invitation to take part in an experiment—a game in which a small room is divided into three equal areas—one for each person. At intervals they recite a slogan: "This is my land. It is mine. It is beautiful, and it is mine." As the game progresses, we see the drive that makes each human want to possess more than his neighbors—a drive that causes hatred ... and starts wars.


Being Rose
by Richard James


Produced by University of North Carolina Wilmington, Theatre Department (Oct 2021)

Rose looks back on her life from old age but as we see her memories replayed before us, differences emerge between her stories and reality. As her confusion increases, a doctor's diagnosis explains all. In this emotional look at the devastating effects of dementia, Rose is able to recollect momentous emotional events in her life which are vividly and evocatively played out on stage.

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Madness of the Sherlock Holmes
by JPS Yates

A curious and very authentic Holmes tale, with the Great Detective locked in a cell and wearing a straitjacket. Is there really a plot to assassinate the Queen, or is this a fabrication of Holmes' deranged mind, as his friend Watson suspects?

Produced by University of North Carolina Wilmington, Theatre Department (Nov 2020)


The Attic by Robert Scott

Demi began trying to sort out the attic ahead of the house move, but she’s become obsessed with an incomplete letter she’s found. Is it a suicide note? A confession? What’s her connection with the woman from the past?

Produced by University of North Carolina Wilmington, Theatre Department (Jan 2020)

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Produced by University of North Carolina Wilmington, Theatre Department (Sept 2019)

Five strangers, with five very different problems, are called to a certain office to meet Mr Hargreaves... But he isn't there! Is there a more sinister reason for them being locked in together? Can they find out what connects them?

Assistant Directed
Directed by: Robin Post.

Am I Next?: Voices from Wilmington, NC, 

The Connection by Graham Jones


Produced by University of North Carolina Wilmington, Theatre Department (Nov 2020)

This production centered on the Black experience, foregrounding Wilmington’s 1898 Coup de tat, student’s personal experiences and the shared stories of families, friends, UNCW professors and community members. And now the production has an extended life and taken new shape.

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